All chimneys should be inspected annually. By doing so, you ensure the safety and reliability of your venting system. These inspections are aligned and in compliance with the Chimney Institute of America.
Our company provides three different types of inspections:
Level 1 or safety inspection is a standard part of regular maintenance for your chimney. Our technicians will inspect and evaluate all the readily accessible components of the chimney which can include the cap, crown, flue, exterior brick, etc. This type of inspection is free of charge with a chimney cleaning. Please note that a level one safety inspection is not an adequate inspection for a real estate transaction.
Level 2 inspection is required when any part of a venting system has changed, upon the sale or transfer of property, or after any malfunction or extenuating external event (i.e. earthquake, fire). This type of inspection requires no specialty tools and does not remove or open any permanent or fixed parts of your venting system. A specialized HD camera may be used to scan the chimney to inspect the internal components if necessary. All real estate quotes provided MUST be backed by a level 2 inspection performed by one of our qualified technicians. There is an additional charge if cleaning is needed.
Level 3 inspection is required when serious hazards are detected, but can not be fully evaluated without specialty tools or removing permanent fixtures. Please contact our office for more information.